At some point throughout your career there’s a good chance that you’ll be asked to create a presentation in which you will share information among peers and higher ups. But sometimes it isn’t easy for many, so here are a few helpful ways to get you started. After all, if you do well on this assignment it may be your best opportunity to demonstrate your value to the company, along with some of your knowledge. Public speaking can be mastered with some great practice, deep breaths and some serious homework- here are a few basics to help out.
5 Important Factors of Perfect Presentations
- Know your audience.
- Use good organization skills.
- Study hard.
- Critique, critique, critique!
- Practice makes perfect.
1. Know Your Audience.
- Be sure not to offend anyone as best as you can.
- Know what type of reaction to expect from the audience.
- Be aware of the occasion.
- Understand more about the topic than anyone in the audience would be able too. This makes you in charge of the presentation (which means lots of studying).
- Use the correct language to get through to the audience.
2. Use Good Organizational Skills
- Before you even begin writing your presentation get your mind organized.
- Write a layout of your presentation before you gather information.
- Plan what to say, and keep notecards near you in case you blank out.
- Plan for: a strong opening, smooth transitions and a clear closing point.
3. Study Hard.
- It’s important you do all the research you can on the topic you’re speaking of.
- Be prepared to answer any question that may be thrown at you. This means do more research than you plan on speaking about directly.
- Ensure your content is relevant, accurate and current.
- Stay on topic throughout the speech and avoid repeating yourself, and avoid using jargon and words such as “uhm, well, and” too much.
4. Critique, critique, critique!
- You really want to sound professional and accurate, and to do that you need to critique yourself. Over and over again.
- Each time you practice be sure to record and listen to yourself. See what wording sounds best and figure out the key points you want to make during the presentation.
- Have friends and family listen to your speech and allow them to be critical.
- Once you feel like you have your wording down, and your points are clear, time to practice.
5. Practice Makes Perfect
- Familiarize, but don’t memorize your spiel.
- Figure out what words you should emphasize most.
- Create punctuation when you speak; pause where necessary.
So, this clearly doesn’t make the perfect speech alone. It takes serious dedication and hard work to get to the point of perfect presenting. But with our little guide and your determination to succeed at a wonderful presentation we’re sure you’ll do great!