It’s always a good feeling when you beat the competition and hire the top performer that all companies hope for. The new employee already knows what they are supposed to do and requires minimal training. They are experienced, innovative, motivated and ready to go! The perfect hire.
I wish this were always the case, but unfortunately it isn’t. You end up hiring the direct opposite of the perfect employee. Managing perfect and bad employees is a tough balance. You don’t want to play favorites your perfect employees, but at the same time you can’t mistreat the not-so-perfect employee.
Here are some strategies for finding a balance between the various types of employees:
Don’t overwork perfect employees. It probably comes natural to give perfect employees all the hard work and important projects, because they need little to no guidance. Awesome employees love a challenge, but they don’t always like taking on additional tasks because the not-so-awesome employees can’t handle it.
Challenging not-so-perfect employees helps them excel. Whyhire someone they aren’t qualified for the workload? It’s just a waste of time and money. The not-so-perfect employee was hired with a goal in mind, if they don’t know their role, teach them how to be successful. The not-so-perfect employee may end up being one of the top performers.
Recognition is crucial to the motivation process. Employees that are doing a great job should not go unrecognized, employees deserve rewards for their hard work. Recognizing employees is a huge motivating factor for continuing the good work. The not-so-perfect employee will see the rewards and may entice him or her to do better work.
Do you have what it takes to balance your perfect and not-so-perfect employees without making one feel inferior to the next? What are some of the strategies you use?